Graduate Poetry Workshop
Unending Design: Postmodern Poetic Form
WRIT 5001, Fall 2011
Instructor: Amy
In Joseph Conte’s Unending Design: The Forms of
Postmodern Poetry, he locates the innovations of 20th
century poets in their engagements with serial and procedural
poetic methods, a thesis that allows examination of many
postmodern movements and important poets. We will use the poets
Conte discusses as source texts for our own formal experiments,
and in our own discussions about open versus closed forms and
the use of chance in composition.
We will alternate between readings and workshops. As we go, we
will accumulate a list of possible forms and generative methods
in response to the readings for you to use in your work. The
goal is to give you the freedom of many choices but to have the
workshop material still engaged in the readings in some way;
this makes the workshop discussions more focused and, I think,
more helpful.
To Pass the Class: Turn in the six workshop assignments in a
timely manner, discuss the readings knowledgeably, read and
comment on each other’s work with engagement and respect, and do
not to miss more than two classes.
Required Books:
Robert Creeley: Collected Poems
Susan Howe: Europe of Trusts
Lorinne Niedecker: The Granite Pail
George Oppen: New Collected Poems
Claudia Rankine: Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
Jack Spicer: My Vocabulary Did This to Me
Louis Zukofsky: Anew
Wk. I, Sept. 2nd : Introduction: the post-modern sestina; Denise
Levertov and Robert Duncan
Wk. II, Sept. 9th : Creeley, Collected Poems, especially
"Pieces", "In London", "Thirty Things".
Add-drop period ends Sept. 13th
Wk. III, Sept. 16th: workshop
Wk. IV, Sept. 23rd: Spicer, My Vocabulary Did This to Me,
especially "Language"
Wk. V, Sept. 30th: workshop
Wk. VI, Oct. 7th : Rankine, Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
Wk. VII,Oct. 14th: No class. Oct. 16th: Claudia Rankine reading
at Northwestern;
Oct. 17th Claudia Rankine, master class 9-12
Wk. VIII, Oct. 21st: Oppen: New Collected Poems,
especially "Discrete Series"
Wk. IX, Oct. 28th:
Withdrawal period ends Nov. 1st
Wk. X, Nov. 4th : Louis Zukofsky: Anew, especially
"Anew", "Barely and Widely", and "Catullus"
Wk. XI, Nov. 11th : workshop
Wk. XII, Nov. 18th: Lorine Niedecker, The Granite Pail
THANKSGIVING BREAK: November 24th-25th
Wk. XIII, Dec. 2nd: workshop
Wk. XIV, Dec. 9th: CRITIQUE WEEK; make-up class: Howe, The
Europe of Trusts
Wk. XV, Dec. 16th: workshop
© 2014 Amy England,
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