
Texts by Buson:


Translations of Buson:
Many, including some of those translated on this website, are collected at the Terebess website.


Buson’s Artwork:

On Wikipedia
From Asian Art

Online Articles on Buson:

Cheryl Crowley: Kanagaki no shi: Yosa Buson’s Haishi

Haruo Shirane: “Beyond the Haiku Moment: Basho, Buson and Modern Haiku Myths”, an article from Modern Haiku

Background information:

The University of Virginia Online Haiku Topical Dictionary

Thomas Macauly’s collection of waka and translations with notes

Jim Breen’s online Japanese language and character dictionary

JAANUS, a reference site on Japanese art and architecture

Nengocalc, a calculator to convert Japanese dates to the western calendar

Wikipedia’s description of the sexagenary calendar

A map showing the provinces of historical Japan

The Japanese Costume Museum